Frequently asked questions

What is a Playgroup?

Playgroup NSW, the peak body representing playgroups across NSW, is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting families and strengthening local communities through playgroups. We promote the importance of play and early childhood development. Established in 1972, Playgroup NSW supports individuals, groups and communities to start and maintain playgroups with insurance, resources, advice and support. Playgroup NSW receives funding from the Australian government. Read more about Playgroup NSW.

Can I attend Playgroup if I have a baby?

Playgroups are for children from babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, so you can start going to playgroup whenever you feel comfortable attending with your child(ren). All of our sessions have toys suitable for babies, and we have mats for sitting on the floor/grass (though you might like to bring your own). Often babies will simply observe the play of the older children, and in time they will crawl and join in! It’s very beneficial for parents’ mental health to attend playgroup and connect with others in their community. We also have some “Bondi Beach Babies” sessions on the schedule, which are just for parents/carers with babies under 12 months. These are a great introduction to playgroup, in a quieter/calmer environment compared to our usual toddler/preschooler mayhem!

When are you open?

We have a rough schedule each week, however all sessions are subject to volunteer availability. We post our sessions for the following week on Facebook on Sunday evening (after we have checked in with all of our volunteers). Unfortunately sometimes we need to cancel a session last-minute due to volunteer illness or other issues. So please always check our Facebook page prior to your session to ensure there have been no changes to the schedule. We always need back-up volunteers, so if you are interested in helping out (and helping prevent last-minute cancellations of your preferred session!) please email our co-ordinator at

Which session is best for me?

Each playgroup session is different, depending on the volunteer session leader.  Some leaders have a love of craft and others will set up water play if it’s a hot day. All venues have a wide range of toys to provide lots of stimulation and there are new people attending each week. Our venues are quite different too – Wairoa is fully fenced and offers outdoor climbing equipment; Francis St is very much outdoors with plenty of nature-inspired play; and Vaucluse has a good balance of indoor and outdoor toys overlooking a spacious park. Try a few sessions and/or venues to see what suits you and your children best!

How much does it cost?

Our session fee is $4 per family, per session which can be paid by cash (correct change appreciated), bank transfer or via Pay Pal.

Do I need to book in advance?

No need to book in advance, just turn up and register via our QR code when you arrive (please do this at every session you attend). If you are new, we suggest you join Playgroup NSW prior to attending, as you will be all set to go on the day. It’s free to join and you can do so via the Playgroup NSW website.

What do I need to do at a session?

Please check-in via our QR registration code, then pay your session fee. Please ensure you have Playgroup NSW membership (free, join online) as this is a requirement of all attendees due to insurance.

Playgroup is fun and a great way to make new friends and help your children learn through play. But playgroup also relies on the enthusiasm and ideas of its members. Each and every person at Bondi Beach Playgroups is a Mum, Dad or carer like you with little time and small children to look after. As an attendee, we expect you to actively get involved. That includes looking after your children, bringing out toys, setting up activities and helping to clean up at the end (sweeping out or cleaning up the kitchen are great jobs if you can’t lift things!).  The more you put in, the more you get out of playgroup. Perhaps you would like to lead a song or read a book to a group of children? Or if there are particular activities you would like to do, have a chat to the session leader. Remember, any messy arts & crafts are at discretion of the session leader (hint: they will be more keen to do them, if they know everyone is committed to ensuring it doesn’t get too messy and helps clean up at the end!)

Finally, a thank you to our volunteer session leader/s is always appreciated! They give their time, energy and lots of love to playgroup, and sessions simply wouldn’t occur without them.

What do I need to bring?

Bring whatever you would bring if you went to a playground: hat, sunscreen, snack, water bottle.  Please remember: Playgroup is a nut free zone.  Toys are provided by playgroup. We suggest you leave your own toys at home because it can cause conflict, and also things tend to get lost in our enormous range of toys. If you are attending with a baby, it can be helpful to bring your own mat if you would like to sit down on the floor/grass.

Will I be the only new person?

Absolutely not! We welcome new faces all the time. If you are shy, have a chat to the session leader, as they are always up for a chat and can introduce you to other people. Remember most of our attendees are in the same situation, so please spark up a conversation and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by who you meet.

I’ve got a baby and toddler, can I attend “Bondi Beach Babies”?

Sorry… Bondi Beach Babies is strictly for babies under 12 months, and no toddler/preschooler activities are provided. This is because the volunteers running these sessions have babies as young as 6 weeks, and for the peace/enjoyment/safety of all little ones. Every other session on the schedule is open to all kids under 5 – so please save BBBs for days when you just have your little bub, and come along to an open session when you have the whole crew.

Can I start my own session?

We are always looking for volunteer session leaders to start new sessions, or help run current sessions – you can find out more about volunteering here. We don’t run exclusive sessions for particular groups (eg mothers/parents groups) but you are welcome to bring along a core group, and welcome in other members of the community. Playgroup is one of the best ways to make connections in your local community.

I have some old toys, can I donate them to playgroup?

No. Our storerooms are already overflowing, and any unsolicited donations are discarded. If you have something you really want to donate, kindly email the co-ordinator at to discuss.

Does my child need to complete their immunisation schedule before attending?                                                                                                          

Playgroup NSW supports the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia’s recommendations that children should be immunised using the agreed schedule, unless there is a clear medical reason why this should not occur.

In line with the evidence about child and community wellbeing, Playgroup NSW strongly encourages parents to have their children immunised using the schedule provided by the NSW Ministry of Health. This is available on the NSW Ministry of Health Website:

Please be aware that young babies, pregnant women and unimmunised children are at higher risk if there is an outbreak of a communicable disease. We recommend that they do not attend playgroup if there has been a suspected case of one of those illnesses at playgroup.

Can I hire the playgroup venue for a birthday party or for my business or social group?
Our venues are owned and run by Waverley Council. Bookings need to be made directly through Waverley Council on 02 9083 8000. Toys are not included in birthday party bookings.

Can I promote my business?                      

Generally we do not accept advertising. However, we don’t mind helping local businesses if you can support us in some way! If this sounds like you, please send an email to the Coordinator at

Can I bring my dog to playgroup?

Sorry, no dogs (or other pets) are allowed at our venues (including tied to the fence) due to safety and venue lease restrictions.